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Broken Links

Broken Links

What are Broken Links?

While a lot of emphasis is given to the quality and type of content that is available on the website, links that are on the webpages are equally important. When you are running a website or a blog, you need to be vigilant about certain factors that can optimize the website and improve the ranking of the site. Broken links can be off-putting for potential customers as they can quickly leave your website. When your website has broken links, potential visitors will have problems browsing through the site which will ruin their web experience.

Why Broken Links Are Not Good for Your Website?

Broken links can lead to numerous problems that eventually lead to low site ranking in the search engines. It can be a major issue when search engine crawlers crawl your website for indexing purposes. When your website is not indexed properly, it will not have higher site ranking.

Additionally, broken links can also ruin customer experience as various pages will not load properly or will be slow to load. Many online visitors find this exasperating and decide to move on to your competitors’ websites where they can find similar information. When more and more customers are affected, your webpages will slide down the ranking list, not bringing you enough online visitors and business.

Broken links can impact your sales performance directly; hence you need to ensure that there are no broken links on the website. If there are multiple broken links, customers will not be able to purchase products and services you’re offering which eventually means a loss of business.

Business reputation gets impacted when there are broken links on your webpages. When you’re not rectifying broken links on your webpages, it leads the consumer to believe that you’re not a good website owner and are unable to manage your site properly. This eventually leads to loss of faith and your online customers would switch to a different website that offers them a better web-browsing and shopping experience.

How Links Can Optimize Your Website?

Incorporating external and internal links on your website along with keyword-rich content can boost your site performance and optimize it effectively. Most search engines consider that pages that have the most links pointing at them are the most popular and, therefore, sites with more links usually have a higher site ranking on the SERPs. Search engines also consider that sites with more links are trustworthy, user-friendly and provide more information to the users.

With the right links hyperlinked to anchor texts and keywords, you can provide your users with a better web-browsing experience as they navigate through different pages uninterrupted.